Monday, January 02, 2017

Books read throughout 2016

Once again my list of books read for the year. I was able to use some of my time travelling to work this year. As always, the titles with asterisks are re-reads. No plays this year however. In this case the number of them is due to my re-read in order of all of Terry Pratchett’s novels as my respect and remembrance of him on his death the year before.

 1.   The Happy Return – C.S Forester  (3 - 10/1)
 2.   Feet of Clay* - Terry Pratchett  (4 - 7/1)
 3.   Hogfather* - Terry Pratchett  (7 – 11/1)
 4.   Jingo* - Terry Pratchett  (12 – 18/1)
 5.   A Ship of the Line - C.S Forester  (18/1 – 4/2)
 6.   The Last Continent* - Terry Pratchett  (18 – 23/1)
 7.   The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett  (25-29/1)
 8.   Flying Colours - C.S Forester  (5 - 9/2)
 9.   The Commodore - C.S Forester  (10 – 17/2)
10.  Lord Hornblower - C.S Forester  (19 – 25/2)
11.  Hornblower in The West Indies* - C.S Forester  (26/2 – 3/3)
12.  Thief of Time* - Terry Pratchett (4 – 8/3)
13.  Carpe Jugulum* - Terry Pratchett (10 – 11/3)
14.  The Truth* - Terry Pratchett  (12 -17/3)
15.  Monstrous Regiment* - Terry Pratchett  (18 – 29/3)
16.  Going Postal* - Terry Pratchett (30/3 – 6/4)
17.  Good Omens* - Terry Pratchett  (7 – 13/4)
18.  Nation* - Terry Pratchett (19 – 27/4)
19.  Rebels and Traitors - Lindsey Davis  (29/4 – 27/5)
20.  A Blink of the Screen - Terry Pratchett (30/5 – 14/6)
21.  Dragons of Crumbling Castle and other tales - Terry Pratchett  (21 – 24/6)

22. Super Freakonomics - Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner (2-11/12)
22.  Deadly Election - Lindsey Davis  (29 – 31/12)

So not a bad list. Most of it still due to my memorial to Sir Terry Pratchett from last year and I have now finished all his books. Whilst I know I stopped reading as often in the later half of the year, I know I read at least one more book towards the later end of the second half, but couldn't find it written anywhere. Maybe after I tidy up somewhat.
I still didn't get aroud to reading Jane Austen or The Hobbit or any of the original James Bond stories. I was watching one of those TV documentaries looking at things that started things and was struck by the thought that it would be interesting to have a read of Moby Dick, which I haven't before (or if I have, I've totally forgotten).

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