Friday, March 18, 2016

Ahh the irony

I had to laugh this morning.

There's this guy that has been getting off the train at the stop I get on for the last month or two, that I will admit I find kind of good looking. Now I'm always in precisely the same spot, he started off being up or down one carriage, though more recently has been in the same carriage. So when the train pulls up I'm waiting looking in, and he's standing at the door, at which point he looks away. He could be one of those people that that doesn't like to look people in the face, or it could be that it's because of how I'm dressed - baggy, casual clothing (as I work in a warehouse), in comparision to his suit pants and buisness shirt (which at my station at 6:30am is its own little connundrum).

Well today I was trying to catch an earlier train at a different station as my schedule is changing, but missed it, so got my driver to drop me back at my usual station for one last glimpse. So when the train pulls in, the door goes past, he's not at it, I grab my stuff and head for the next door, and there he is, so I let go an involuntary smile. His reaction, on the other hand, was more like, oh no not that annoying girl again. Well you can relax now dude, your senses won't be offended again, as you won't be seeing me any more. I wonder if he'll even notice.

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