Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Books Read 2018

So here it is, pretty much the only post I do, my books read. So, so few this year.

1. Jonathan Unleashed - Meg Rosoff

2. The Fall of Gondolin - JRR Tolkien
     15/12 - 19/1/2019

    Wow, actually. I could have sworn I'd read more than one (as still reading the other) book this year, but that's all I had written down.
     Looks like I've been rather slack this year. Especially as I've been given a couple of books that I still haven't read, and book no. 1 I actually bought last Christmas. I will admit that this is partly due to the fact that I no longer catch a train to/from work, but now drive myself, so don't have the opportunity. However I will admit that the rest of it is due to the fact that I get stuck in FBland. So much for my hope/decision from last year to pay more visits to the library this year.
       Better luck for 2019?

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