Thursday, November 26, 2015

The sound of tears gently falling

My heart is breaking yet again. One more person I've developed feelings for has looked past me for someone else. It's partly my own fault though - I didn't act on it because of a role he held had him interacting with someone of whom I'm unsure of their view towards me and I didn't want this to affect their working relationship.
From reading the comments it seems that other people were aware of the direction he was turning. Even though some of these are my close friends, so it's not like I'm in different circles to him, but I guess another part of the problem is that I'm not in those circles that often.

And considering that I've been of the notion that he doesn't actually like me, he just puts up with me because I'm friends with his friends, I shouldn't be that surprised or upset. But after having had these thoughts, the last time I saw him, he greeted me with such a tone in his voice that sounded like he was happy to see me, and when my back was turned, so he could have just kept on walking past me, which sent my poor head spinning round again. But I was struck by the thought today when deciding whether to screw my courage to the sticking plate next weekend (before I saw the news, ironically old) that he's just like me and is nice to everyone, and is not being in any way specifically nice to me.

So here I am, a broken, dusty old book, lying forgotten and unwanted on the shelf, my pages foxed with my tears.

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