Friday, August 14, 2009

The value of a life

There have been a couple of murder cases brought to judgement here recently where a man has killed an adult (in both cases his wife) and a child/ren. In both cases for the murder of the child the sentence was "life" and for the adult "at least 15yrs" for the first case and "thirty years" for the second.
And here's my question - what makes the murder of a child so much worse than the murder of your equal? Both love you and are no more or less valuable in their intrinsic worth. Theoretically however, your spouse should be loved more by you than any offspring, as it's your spouse that you've promised to spend the entire rest of your life with, so isn't that betrayal worthy of more reparation? You could argue that a child is more helpless than an adult and therefore that is the worse crime and deserving of the harsher punishment, but then how many people has the adult touched in their life, making more people bereft through their loss - isn't that a more far reaching crime?

Who knows? Justice is a difficult thing after all.

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