Monday, December 01, 2008

Life Imitates Art

This aphorism comes to us from Wilde courtesy of Ovid and I think never more aptly demonstrated in the TV advertising for X-Men 2 this past week. Forget the fact that a lot of us have mobile phones which look like nothing so much as the original communicators from Star Trek, that we have machines taking the place of people - this beats it all.

To what am I referring? Well a couple of weeks ago Ginger Meggs and Benny went to the movies to see Australia and who should be there to ask them what they thought than Hugh Jackman, but of course, what should the boys exclaim but "Wolverine!". Well, I reckon someone in channel 7's advertising department must be a fan of Ginge, for the ads declared that X-Men 2 "starring Halle Berry, Ian McKellen and Wolverine". Boy did it make me laugh (though by the end of the week it was getting quite annoying).

1 comment:

Jason_Chatfield said...

Glad you liked it, Mad Scientist :)
~ Jason Chatfield